Calendar Creations Honoring Veterans warmly invites you to explore our website. Our business is dedicated to honoring Veterans. Forest Sexton, a Vietnam Air Force Veteran (1972-77) affected by Agent Orange, and Ranny Grady, an eighty-four-year-old Navy Veteran (1961-67), have joined forces to establish a patriotic venture. We aim to reach individuals from all walks of life who cherish America and value the freedoms we cherish, made possible by the sacrifices of military heroes. Our calendar makes a meaningful gift for Veterans to display in their homes or to give as a Christmas Stocking Stuffer. It's a fitting choice for family and friends during the holiday season, especially for young children eager to learn more about our nation's rich history.

As November eleventh approaches, a day dedicated to honoring Veterans, consider our Calendar Creations Honoring Veterans as a thoughtful gift option. Crafted by Veterans, this calendar will add a special touch to your celebrations and pay tribute to both living and fallen heroes. It's a wonderful addition to any church or civic organization's commemoration of this significant day.

Dear Soldiers,

You don’t know me, but I’ve got something to say. I hope that you listen for it won’t take much of your day. I know that you’re hurting, and I hurt as well. You and I both have gone through our own private hell.

We both have wounds that no other can see. Wounds that will never let us be free. We can refuse to seek help and destroy our own life; or we can confront the enemy within and deal with the strife.

We know it’s not easy and no one claimed it would be but, we should do what we must in hopes to someday be free. It can’t be done through self-medication; we must seek help without hesitation.

The drinking and drugs only delay the inevitable task; of surviving the present for the future by confronting the past. Let’s do it together; it is so hard all alone; when you need help just pick up the phone.

A veteran helping a vet can go a long way, to solving the problems we confront every day. It must be done through the trust we share, knowing it’s done because both of us care.

As veterans we fought to defend the things for which we stand. Together we’ll fight PTSD to improve as a man. We must fight this fight like we have no other; as a man you are my friend but as a vet you are my war-torn brother.


Forrest Sexton

PTSD Veteran